Eco Friend

Dipping pH Adjuster

  • Eco Friend has been developed by USK Agro Sciences to decrease pH of water. Because of Ecofriend result of PGR, insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers improved. It is being most useful product for grapes.
  • In orchards we use costly chemicals for controlling diseases & pests but we can’t get effectiveness of these chemicals as we want. This is due to the pH of water used in spraying is more than 7 to get effectiveness of chemicals the pH of water needs to be in the range of 6-6.5.
  • To get effectiveness of chemicals use Eco Friend which helps to decrease pH of water used.
  • Improves penetration, spreading and efficiency of spray and dipping solution along with pH stability.
  • To improve effectiveness & absorption of GA the pH of dipping solution of grape needs to be in between 4.5 & 5.5.
  • Use of Eco Friend in grape dipping solution improves colour & size of grape bunch.
  • Eco Friend is cost effective as required quantity is very less.
  • It has buffer so pH remains constant for long time.
  • Improves plant growth and works as GA booster.

In Grapes- For spraying: First check the pH of water being used then decide the quantity of Eco Friend to maintain pH in between 6-6.5.
For dipping: Use Eco Friend 1-1.5 ml/lit water (Check pH of water being used)

Chemical Composition:

pH Adjusting Chemical....................4.00%
Butter Solution................................1.00%
Solvent, Spreader, Adjuvant
 & G.A. Booster...............................0.1%
Q.S. ...............................................94.90%