- A product of unlimited Possibilities.
- Seafon works against fungal, bacterial and viral diseases as it has anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti viral properties.
- It is growth regulator of phenolic nature play important role in initiation of SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance) response in plants and also acts as endogenous signal mediating in plant defense against pathogens.
- It attacks on cell wall of pathogen & inhibit their growth by forming thin protective layer on plant surface.
- It induces specific change in leaf anatomy, chloroplast structure and boost up immune system of plants which helps to defend against diseases.
- Seafon induces thermogenesis in plants which increases pollination.
- Seafon works as both preventive & curative action due to which gives good result when used before flower & fruit setting.
- It protect plants from abiotic stresses such as heat, salt, heavy metal, etc.
- It remains active at wide range of pH.
Recommended crops:
Fruit crops, vegetables, ornamentals, etc.
Recommended dose:
For spray use Seafon @ 1-1.5ml/lit according to growth stages of crop at an interval of 10-15 days.
Chemical composition:
Salicylic acid……………………………………………………………………0.01%
Bleaching chemical…………………………………………………………2.0%
Surface disinfectant & bactericide
Immuno modulator………………………………………………………8.0%
Herbal extract……………………………………………………………….0.05%
Q.S. …………………………………………………………………………….88.94%