Direction Of Use:
Please read enclosed leaflet before use.
An intravenous injection of 100-200 mg of cysteine or an intramuscular injection of 20-60 mg of BAL (dimercap rol or 2,3 dimercapatoproponal) are recommended apply steroids against dermatitis.
It is recommednded to control stem bore leaf folder and whorl maggot of rice crop.
Chemical Composition
Cartap hydrochloride Tech.(Based on 98% w/w a.i.) | 4.100 %w/w |
Isopropyl acid Phosphate | 1.000% w/w |
Phosphoric acid (85%) | 0.500% w/w |
N/P-85 or equivalent Polyoxy Ethylene nonyl (Alkyl Aryl Sulphonate) Phenyl ether |
1.500 % w/w |
China clay /Kaoline | 5.00% w/w |
Sand | 87.900% w/w |
TOTAL | 100.00% w/w |
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