• It is soil inoculums which improves solubilization of chemically fixed soil phosphorus.
  • Only 10-15% of applied phosphorus is utilized by plants and remaining 85-90% is fixed into soil in unavailable form so use of PSB is the need of hour to release Phosphorus into plant useable form.
  • It produces organic acids such as lactic, succinic, citric, fumaric, gluconic and acetic acid which increase the availability of phosphorus in soil by the process of chelation and lowering soil pH.
  • It produces amino acids, vitamins, growth promoting substances such as IAA and GA which helps in better growth of plants.
  • It saves about 50% of phosphorus fertilizers applied to fields.
  • It has synergistic effect on other beneficial microbes in the rhizosphere.
  • It is compatible with other bio fertilizers.

Dose of application: 1-2 lit/acre.
Base:Carrier based in form of moist/ dry powder or granules, or liquid based.
Viable cell count: CFU minimum 108 cell/ml of liquid material.
Contamination level: No contan 108 ination at 105 dilution.
pH: 5.0-7.5 for liquid based.
Efficiency character: The strain should have phosphate solubilizing caapcity in range of minimum 30 % when tested spectrophotometrically. In terms zone formation, minimum 5 mm solubilization zone in prescribed media having at least 3 mm thickness.